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Educational insights to help guide your marketing and sales initiatives

The Concentrek team is pleased to share our insights into how we frame strategic planning and the day-to-day tactical execution behind the programs that help our clients succeed. Follow us on our LinkedIn channel to gain real-time access to this content as it’s published.   


Are your sales and marketing teams in sync? If not, your business is missing out on efficient opportunities to increase revenue.

  • Paid Media Planning + Management
  • Social Media + Content Marketing
  • Digital Advertising
  • Strategic Thinking

Devising a strategic product launch plan beyond the press release can ensure you’re effectively promoting your product in all the right places—and in a way that’s resonating with all the right people.

  • Video Production + 3D Animation
  • Strategic Thinking

Starting November 2023, Drupal 7 sites will no longer be supported by the Drupal community. Do you know how to prepare for this?

  • Website Design + Development

As the path to purchase model evolves, marketers often dismiss the foundational importance of brand awareness. Follow these tips for building, implementing and measuring awareness for your brand, and you’ll see a positive impact across all your marketing initiatives.

  • Strategic Thinking