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Launching a Startup: B2B & B2C Strategy

Medical Technology

Full-Service Integrated Marketing

The term "disruptive" can easily be hyperbolic when associated with the launch of a new medical product or technology. But for Sonendo® and its GentleWave® System, this is not the case. The twofold challenge for Concentrek is to effectively address B2B and B2C audiences separately. We work to clearly brand and communicate the science and in-chair difference behind a product that confronts deeply engrained clinical teaching and patient perceptions about standard root canals.

Branding: Corporate Logo Refresh + Application

The objective for the Sonendo logo refresh was to retain the overall design cues while updating to a logomark that is more reproducible at various sizes across print and digital applications. In addition, we updated to a more modern font that coordinates with all other current brand elements.

Original Logo
Original Logo
Logo Refresh

Printed Materials

Sonendo requires a wide range of ever-changing printed materials on a regular basis. Concentrek delivers informative materials on both the B2B and B2C sides, effectively targeting both distinct audience groups. B2C marketing materials help providers educate patients about the GentleWave Procedure in-office, while B2B clinical research documents, white papers, brochures and event promotion support sales team members in successfully engaging prospects and customers.

Printed Materials

These projects require an

in-depth understanding

of audiences, technical information and regulatory guidelines.

Printed Materials

Corporate Website

To reflect the technology-driven ethos of Sonendo’s forward-thinking workforce, we created a dynamic look and design for the B2B website—including a hero video on the homepage and several embedded animations that help support the technical mechanism of action copy.

Corporate Website

158% increase in pageviews

compared to the previous version of

3D Modeling, Animation + Video Production

Concentrek’s 3D modeling capabilities allow flexibility for Sonendo’s hardware and technology to be depicted virtually any way necessary depending on the application. By foregoing traditional product photography, fully manipulatable assets are created for use across all tactics—including still images for print materials, highly technical mechanism of action animations and visually engaging videos.

3D Modeling, Animation + Video Production
3D Modeling, Animation + Video Production

Patient Website

To reach potential patients on a personal level, Concentrek created a range of informative, user-friendly features. A review of the website metrics showed that the Blog section, which features copy based on keyword research, is a strong driver of site traffic.

Patient Website

1,372% increase in keywords

on in three years—the result of consistently publishing valuable, keyword-rich content.

Doctor Locator

To find a GentleWave Doctor, patients can simply enter their location information. This value-added function is accessible and direct for the consumer, while metrics tracking on the number of searches in any given area helps the Sonendo sales team demonstrate demand to a prospective GentleWave Doctor.

Doctor Locator

B2C Content Marketing

For Sonendo’s ongoing content marketing program, Concentrek utilizes precise keyword research to support organic SEO when creating blogs, videos and infographics for patient engagement and education. Focusing on the topics that potential patients search for the most relating to root canals, content is presented in easy-to-understand language. Consistent, organic Facebook posts promote blog content, while Facebook ad campaigns create brand awareness and drive traffic to the website. These tactics have led to strong growth in both keyword ranking and website traffic.

B2C Content Marketing
B2C Content Marketing

Social Promotion

Concentrek deploys an educational and engaging content marketing plan for both B2B and B2C audiences. We develop optimized content across all relevant channels, building a cohesive program of web-based and social media content to sustain engagement and enable sales. Comprehensive metrics reporting allows us to adjust and refine tactics, as needed, to ensure ongoing effectiveness. 

Social Promotion

104% increase in followers

on Sonendo’s LinkedIn Page in 12 months

Branding: Product Logo Refresh

A major B2C challenge for Concentrek is to engage and educate prospective patients about a brand directly associated with a notoriously uncomfortable dental event—the need for a root canal procedure. The redesign of the GentleWave System logo reflects the transition of a device logo to be more patient-friendly. 



Email Marketing

Concentrek has created and deployed hundreds of email campaigns for Sonendo, targeting various audiences and focusing on a variety of topics. Each email campaign is built to capture real-time metrics, including open rates and clickthroughs in Pardot.

Email Marketing

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Google Analytics is a great platform for understanding your website’s metrics and performance. We’ll help you break it down to navigate all of the metrics, so you can best optimize your site—and your future marketing strategy.