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Developing an Elevated, Unified Umbrella Brand for a Multi-Entity Client

RKP Group
Property Development

Rebranding CDP as RKP Group

This client formerly known as Construction Development Professionals (CDP) is a partnership of three distinct entities performing end-to-end property acquisition, renovation and activation of historic properties. The diverse identities of CDP created confusion for clients, however, prompting the need to combine the three divisions into one cohesive umbrella brand. With this project, the client additionally sought to elevate their brand to reflect the excellent quality of their work.

Our challenges of this assignment included creating a brand that resonated well across all entities and capturing imagery that adequately conveyed the fine craftsmanship of our client.

Branding: Building a New Identity

After conducting in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and completing industry research, our team started with development of a new brand name and logo. Once the client decided on the new name RKP Group, reflecting the initials of the founders with a nod to the collective entities, we moved to logo design.

For the logo selected by RKP Group, we incorporated architectural design elements indicative of the historical buildings this client restores for a strong and dynamic logomark in a bold, vibrant yellow and deep navy. This striking yet elegantly balanced contrast visually conveys separate, yet interconnected, components combined to create one even greater element — much like constructing a building and the brand these three entities have developed together — meeting the parameters of the client’s request with a new and unified brand they can be proud of.


RKP Group Logo

New Website: A Showcase for RKP Group's Portfolio and Proficiencies

The client’s primary goal for their new website was to display their portfolio of work to allow investors and municipalities to evaluate the scope and quality of their projects in consideration for bids on new projects. On the home page we were sure to feature the names and concentration of each entity that make up RKP Group to equally represent each division and their overall contributions to the partnership.

RKP Group Website

RKP Website Home Page
Prime & Proper Door Handles
Capital Park Lofts at Dawn

New Website: A Focus on the Details

RKP Group’s spectacular portfolio of properties offered endless opportunities to incorporate captivating imagery into the website. Images of remarkable architectural elements and focal points were added throughout the site amongst data for each building, including key tenants and awards won for the project, with before and after images of each property for powerful impact. Links to tenant-facing websites were added for each property for visitors to further explore the RKP Group portfolio or learn about leasing opportunities.

RKP Group Property Page

RKP Website Property Page

Drone Work: Providing a Broader Perspective

The Concentrek team captured drone video and images of each property in order to give the audience a better sense of each project’s scope. Details were captured at close proximity where traditional photography or videography would have been insufficient, allowing us to feature those incredible but hard-to-see details on the site for visitors to admire.


Detroit Savings Bank Sculpture Detail
The Farwell at Dawn

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